Nature Society (Singapore)

What is the Nature Society (Singapore)?
The Nature Society (Singapore) or NSS is a non-government, non-profit organisation dedicated to the appreciation, conservation, study and enjoyment of the natural heritage in Singapore, Malaysia and the surrounding region.

It was formerly known as the Singapore branch of the Malayan Nature Society. The branch was formed in 1954 and became Nature Society (Singapore) in 1991.

Run by volunteers (directory), the Society depends financially on contributions from its members as well as companies, institutions and individuals.

What We Do:
  • Organise nature appreciation activities like guided nature walks, bird and butterfly watching, slide talks and overseas eco-trips.
  • Conduct conservation projects and surveys.
  • Collaborate with schools and community groups to promote nature appreciation and education.
  • Campaign for the protection of natural habitats.
What We Have Achieved:
  • Successfully persuaded the Government to set aside Sungei Buloh as a mangrove and bird sanctuary. This site is now legally protected and known as Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve.
  • Relocated coral reefs which were threatened by land reclamation.
  • Staved off plans to develop part of Peirce Reservoir forest into a golf course.
  • Published the Master Plan for the Conservation of Nature in Singapore, which has influenced Government policy and planning.
  • Advocated the preservation of Chek Jawa, a unique marine habitat on Pulau Ubin.