Open to the Public
Join Yong Ding Li from NSS Bird Group at Kranji Marshes to see some of our regular, long-distance visitors from across Asia. At this ramble, Ding Li will introduce participants to the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, Singapore's geographical position as part of this massive flyway, and the many migratory species that use it. Kranji Marshes is the perfect place to be acquainted with several of our regular migrants, including the Barn Swallow, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Arctic Warbler, and with a bit of luck, you might get to observe reed warblers and even the Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler. To top it all, you may also get to observe raptor migration, and several species of migratory waterbirds, including the Wood Sandpiper.
Trip Leader: Dr Yong Ding Li, Bird Group member
Meeting Time: 7.30am
Note: A hired bus will ferry the group to the start of the walk.
Duration: This is a 3-hour walk excluding travel time to and from the start & end point.
The walk is free but participants will need to cover transport cost at $15 per person.
Maximum No. of Participants
Strict cap of 21 pax
Note: Strict cap is due to seating capacity of the bus.
To attend, please register at:
- Registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Registration will close once the maximum number of participants is reached, or on closing date.
- Participating non-members may sign up for NSS membership during or after the walk.
- Only confirmed participants will be contacted by email, after the closing date, with details on the meeting time and place
Closing Date 8 Nov 2024, Friday
Things to Bring
Bring along a pair of binoculars, sun-hat, water for hydration, rain gear and wear proper walking shoes and wear light appropriate clothing to prevent insect bites.
For any enquiries, please contact Lee Ee Ling at or on her mobile at 9693 5870.
Sign Up or Renewal of Membership
To join us as a member of NSS or to renew your membership, pls click here.