Members Only
Although the Bukit Batok Nature Park is
just adjacent to housing estates, it hosts a variety of vertebrate
species, including some that are only active at night. Join
us for a nightwalk within the forests of Bukit Batok Nature Park, where
we can observe the Sunda colugo foraging/grooming/gliding, and maybe
get glimpses of the Horsfield’s flying squirrel.
Time: 7.45pm - 9.30pm
Trip Leader: Dr Norman Lim, NSS Vertebrate Study Group member
Max. No. of Participants
15 pax
Closing Date
31 May, Friday
To register, please register at:
- Registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Registration will close earlier once the maximum number of participants is reached.
- Non-members may be accepted for the activity if there are any excess spaces remaining after the closing date.
- Participating non-members may sign up for NSS membership during or after the walk.
- Only confirmed participants will be contacted by email with details on the meeting time and place.
Things to Bring
Please wear covered shoes for trail walking,
bring along torches (e.g., headlamp), raingear in case of wet weather, and a filled 1 litre water bottle.
Optional item to bring along include insect repellent and camera.
For any enquiries, please contact Kerry Pereira at
Sign Up or Renewal of Membership
To join us as a member of NSS or to renew your membership, pls click here.