
NSS's Learning Journey for Waterway Primary School Contributes to Pocket Trip Trail

The Nature Society (Singapore) conducted a learning journey for students of Waterway Primary School to share information on the diverse animals and plants found just behind the school. The students then researched and curated the content for a Pocket Trip trail. 

Pocket Trips is an award-winning web-based mobile authoring platform that empowers anyone to create, design and publish their own interactive trails anywhere in the world. 

The walk was part of a nature trail project on the flora and fauna along the Punggol Waterway Park. Teachers at Waterway Primary School facilitated the Primary Two students in this activity. The information was collated and presented in the mobile learning app with the hope that more people will enjoy and learn to appreciate the rich and diverse habitat around Punggol Waterway Park and the Lorong Halus wetlands.

Detailed instructions to download the Pocket Trips app and the content presented by the Primary Two students of Waterway Primary School can be found below.

You can read more about the initiative at: