Butterfly Trail @ Orchard

Butterfly at Orchard mentioned in Ministry of National Development Report

Feb 2013

In its latest report, 10 Principles for Liveable High-Density Cities: Lessons from Singapore, the Butterfly at Orchard Trail is mentioned as an example of land use in environmental space to elaborate how Orchard is more than just a shopping street in a case study to show how such factors allow high-density areas to be highly livable. 

Download a copy of the report here.

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At a Glance: Butterfly Hotspots and Collaborators 
Nov 2011



Download a copy of the trail map from here.

Nassim Green Garden planting with UPS staff 
Oct 29, 2011

More than 100 UPS (United Parcel Service) staff joined us to plant up butterfly host and nectar plants and shrubs of over 30 different species at Nassim Green Garden on 29th Oct 2011. October is the Global Volunteer Month for UPS and what better way to volunteer than getting hands muddy! 

Nassim Green is one of the pioneer hotspots along the trail. Its proximity to the Singapore Botanic Gardens makes it feasible to attract many uncommon butterflies.  

The planting event was picked off at 2pm with the welcome address by Mr. KK Leung (South Asia District Manager, UPS) and a short speech by Mr. Gan Cheong Weei (Chairperson, Butterfly Interest Group, Nature Society [Singapore]). A mock cheque was presented to NSS by Mr. Pete Elroy (HR VP, Asia Pacific Region, UPS) and Mr. KK Leung (South Asia District Manager, UPS) following which they unveiled the Butterfly Trail signage at the garden.

Enthusiastic UPSers planted more than 600 plants in less than an hour. The event was called off after a downpour, just in time for snacks arranged at Spaboutique. 

We thank UPS for joining the trail as a CONSERVATION SPONSOR and fund the Nassim Green butterfly garden.

Read the press articles here - 
Zaobao 30th Oct 2011 - Butterfly trail half done article 
Yahoo News 30th Oct 2011 - UPS Grant to build up Butterfly Trail @ Orchard photos 

How about butterflies in a conference? 
Oct 16, 2011

We presented the Butterfly Trail at the NSS 'Nature Conservation for a Sustainable Singapore' conference on 16th Oct 2011 at the Swisshotel Merchant Court. 



Creating butterfly connectors: Let's start with Concorde  
Sept 2011

It is not just about butterfly hotspots. We are experimenting with butterfly connectors. 


Hopefully our study will be able to help understand how butterflies use connectors. Imagine having more of such connectors along roadsides in our garden city! Connectivity unlimited!! 

Half Century of Butterfly Species!! 
July 16, 2011

What a memorable day! Over 25 UPS staff joined us to do a morning butterfly census along the trail. We grouped ourselves into 2 teams each team responsible for counting butterflies at the assigned hotspots along the trail. 

Not a big deal? Behold. We spotted the 49th and 50th species along the butterfly trail today. 

49th species was the Yellow Palm Dart (Cephrenes trichopepla) spotted by Anuj at Istana Park while it was basking on one of the shrubs. This butterfly originally from Australia has made Singapore its home since 1999.

50th species was none other than the adorable Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris) butterfly. We have been planting its host plant (Aristolochia tagala) along the trail so it was really heartening to see the Common Rose discover this climber at Istana Park. The butterfly was spotted and photographed by Ms. May Tan, UPS staff and volunteer.


Uncommon visitors to NSS Members Walk 
Feb 2011

Two butterflies uncommon to urban areas were spotted on 19th Feb morning at the Butterfly Trail. Black Veined Tiger butterfly (Danaus melanippus hegesippus) [top right] was seen twice in the morning around 9:20am at Stamford Green perching on flowers of Lantana camara

Later Peacock Royal butterfly (Tajuria cippus maxentius) [bottom right] was seen basking around 11am at Dhoby Ghaut Green butterfly garden which is opp to Cathay Cineplex.

Over 30 species of butterflies have been recorded from the trail since the 1st planting at Nassim Road Green last year. 

The 1st NSS Walk to the Butterfly Trail was well received and attended by 25 enthusiastic members. There were plenty of butterflies and lots of fun.


Butterfly Trail Map 
Jan 2011 

This self guided trail map is now available!

Collect yours from the Nature Society's office. Alternatively, download the softcopy here.


Dhoby Ghaut Green opens   
Dec 2010 

A charming butterfly garden with walkways created by the National Parks Board and Community in Bloom team. 

Be ready to spot the Lemon Emigrants, Plain Tigers and Cycad Blue butterflies here and many more! 

Istana Park Butterfly Garden Celebration 

Nov 27, 2010.

The Butterfly Trail @ Orchard witnessed a latest addition to its butterfly hotspots on November 27th, 2010. The planting at Istana Park - one of the biggest hostpots along the trail has been kindly sponsored by RICOH ASIA PACIFIC

More than 250 Ricoh staff, families,guests and volunteers came out in full force to plant 2,900 butterfly host and nectar plants of over 30 different species on a pleasant Saturday morning. 

The programme started off at 8:30am with a welcome address by Mr. Nobuaki Majima (Managing Director, Ricoh Asia Pacific) and Dr. Shawn Lum (President, Nature Society [Singapore]). This was followed by a cheque presentation and an official announcement of the donation of 10 recycled benches by Ricoh. 

A short planting briefing followed by a group photo set the stage right for planting proper. The Butterfly Trail @ Orchard signage was unveiled at the park by Mr. Nobuaki Majima and Mr. Vincent Lim (Managing Director, Ricoh Singapore). 

Staff and volunteers from Ricoh, NSS and National Parks Board jointly participated in the planting making it a very memorable event. 

Later we assembled again for the closing remarks and lunch, sweating but satisfied for having done a small yet meaningful part in conversing Singapore's biodiversity.