Education About Education The Education Committee has its origins organising nature appreciation activities for children. Its longest-running and most popular activity is the ongoing “Fun with Nature” series, comprising walks to various nature areas in Singapore for children 4 to…

Conservation Overview Overview of Nature Society Singapore’s (NSS) views on conservation Nature Society Singapore (NSS) is concerned about the loss of habitats for native species of flora and fauna due to the rapid development of housing, transportation, and commercial infrastructure.…

Singapore Bird Race About Singapore Bird Race Held annually since 1984, the Singapore Bird Race, organised by the Nature Society Singapore (NSS) is one of the longest-running citizen science events in Southeast Asia.Through the race, we aim to promote the…

NSS Rewilding Project About NSS Rewilding Project Would you like to do your part in making Singapore a greener space and spend some time to soak in the benefits of Mother Nature? Our Rewilding Project is one of Nature Society…

Every Singaporean a Naturalist(ESN) About ESN The ESN programme is Nature Society Singapore's (NSS) flagship citizen science and nature education programme aimed at nurturing hearts and minds for nature, and ultimately lead participants to support advocacy and conservation of the…